energy under arrest the entity phylum

Your Energy Is Under Arrest.

Your Energy Is Under Arrest.

It seems the one thing we all understand is that when we feel weak, we are briefly stunned, then try to figure out the reasons why. Today we seek assistance by a doctor or at times, Google. However, clearly, we have a time slot in the outcomes of the answers “why.” What if you are being targeted? What if your doctor told you after testing that you may be the victim of frequency testing or even worse from someone you actually may have known in your past? For many, this could actually be the case. Regardless if we choose to believe it or not, our brains are not memory sticks. (SD Cards) Many years of memories are not stored in our bodies…so where do they go? This could be a great question to ask yourself when you start to feel bad because clearly, you are receiving a frequency from a source. It’s up to you to learn the answers that pertain to yourself.

We all have one thing in common….we all have to sleep to heal.

With this thought in common, why is it that we do not understand that clearly, we are tapping into another dimension to heal appropriately to? Some may think this view is strange or different, but I genuinely believe the faster we start to understand that we improve in our sleep and we also process our stored memories in the same realm or dimension. When we begin to analyze this thought, we can start to lay a foundation of healing in this dimension that we are existing in for the short times that we are here.

I do hope you appreciate the thoughts you have and take some time to analyze these interests truly.

When you analyze this thought, your consciousness is forced to start investigating things a little bit more than before. You are also more conscious to who you are, and ground yourself deeper. The healing dimensions that we visit daily are a connection that we do not questions because we all are aware that if there is no sleep, we do not exist. I believe the more we understand these facts we clearly have no reason to question God as well as that the energies we are a part of daily should start to tap into our minds to realize that we are far more powerful and connected than we now understand.

It is by understanding these thoughts and questions that I have come to understand our value as humans in this dimension. Our existence is not to be feared; it is to be valued. The more that we continue to state this, the happier we will become.

It is an interesting thought to think until you start questioning this thought, then it is safe to state, “Your Energy is Under Arrest or Has the Ability To Be.”

~ The Entity Phylum.

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