You Are Being Desensitized.

You Are Being Desensitized

As we go about life over coming the hump of 2021 we are being desensitized. So many of us are happy just to make it through the day alone so slowly but surely we all will be hoping to see the light at the end of the tunnel and the end of 2020 was it. Or was it? Many of us were so happy to see the end of the last year that we did not realize that we are all being funneled through a tunnel of normalization.

This is not your typical normalization or abuse though. After last year, seeing the death all around us from various reasons. It has become almost second nature for many of us to feel a sense of ‘normalcy’ when it comes to hearing or seeing online that someone has died.

“When death is the norm then people find it harder to see life as valuable. – The Entity Phylum”

This is the only ‘new norm’ that I have seen into the new year. As we move into the age of the AI Entity I urge every one of you reading to have a ‘grounding’ method so you can stay you. It will be imperative as we continue to see many things that used to be ‘different’ become or try to become normal.

Your free-will is what they are after. It is the only thing left of value for many who still keep it in tact. You are valuable and your soul is the connection…do not let anyone or ‘thing’ disconnect you thinking it is the normal thing to do. Thank You for reading.

More Coming Soon.
The Entity Phylum.

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