the future of humanity

What Will The New Year Bring For The Alphabet World Of Mixed Generations…

What Will The New Year Bring For The Alphabet World Of Mixed Generations…

Now that The Entity Phylum book has been completed there seems to be more time to get things done lately which means really view quite a bit of things the world is creating. I use this phrase lightly though because they are really not creating anything. I see just a bunch of people constantly copying videos on social media or transitioning the past lectures. Many of these lectures are from people such as symbology expert Jordan Maxwell or from Naval Intelligence expert William Cooper. There are countless others but I guess what I am trying to say is be your own researcher. These men and researchers before you toured many areas of the world teaching people about the many things they learned to awaken people but they didn’t want their work constantly plagued with plagiarism all over the internet.

Today it seems we have more generations all here experiencing the same timeline but I wonder really are they?

I feel like when it comes to all of these generations the more I see them interact I have to wonder are they all actually happy? I don’t believe they are at all. I see constant people not actually experiencing anything except what they see on their ‘screens’ and they countless others who are actually on the receiving end I have to wonder how exactly are they creating for fun. I don’t see fun at all I see random chats about self esteem issues or now selling products.

This is not entertainment. I am bringing up these points because we really need to ask ourselves if life was actually this boring or to ‘need’ the constant follower-ship to feel like you belong somewhere or to be somebody then will we ever get real entertainment or random ridiculousness.

As we move into the year 2024 I now see where the problems of the world are going and I can establish it is with each and every one of us. We need to take full responsibility for every action we emit to this world and we have not so we are dealing with the repercussions of it today.

Here is to strategy in the new year.



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