What Is Happening During The Coronavirus Pandemic - What Can We Learn?

What Is Happening During The Coronavirus Pandemic…

What Is Happening During The Coronavirus Pandemic – What Can We Learn?

This new pandemic has made us all a little on the edge these days but as we move into the third week of Coronavirus fun I have a thought that may make you be a little more mindful in reference to the many entities that linger. The Entity Phylum is not just a title of a book. It is a reference to be mindful of many things that distance us from our free-will. We are always being tested in this life and this Coronavirus is no exception. As the body grows older we see things happen to ourselves that we know change. These changes happen visually but in time we will feel a sense of inner change. This is one of those amazing times of change and self understanding. As hard as it was to process the book for myself it has taught me that self awareness is it’s lesson on a daily basis.

This past week I realized there were many things I missed and also many things that I learned from elders that are no longer here. I also learned that some things are just more important to myself as well as the others around me. I learned that fear plays no role in my life after looking around and viewing how many surrounding my daily routine are slightly in fear and allowing it to control their lives. It reminded me of the 100% rule that I had to learn while writing The Entity Phylum to make sure that I ultimately stayed whole and in tact in the soul. I am sharing this because I feel at this time it’s important to not let go of the abundance of what life really is. I can only give you my opinion of what I feel below.

  1. Self Awareness is crucial at this time: This time calls for the ultimate survival of your mind, body, and soul. In many ways we may have prayed to make it through this time as well as for others and for some, it may have been the first time in a long while.
  2. Stay Mindful of Your Inner Connection: So many people feel at first glance that The Entity Phylum book is a dark force so they can’t allow themselves to read it. The fact of the matter is that it is a book of knowledge. This knowledge is the perfect lesson at this time. For myself I learned what entities are lingering at this time of survival. These temptations of Alcohol, Obsessions of Drugs, or even the Whispering of Anger can pop up during these times and if they do do not be mad at yourself. Stand firm and grounded knowing that this time is one that your creator has allowed you to see the affirmation in the mirror so to speak. It may be the best time to realize your ego which has allowed for the past changes of who you were are now at a turning point of no more. Consider it a blessing if this is so. It is a great time to focus and tell the entity it’s time to leave as you go into the “viral” state of saying hello to your soul once again. Let this go “viral” with peace within yourself and find who you are deeply.
  3. You may for the first time in a long time that you have experienced a sense of inner peace or comfort. Be at peace but remember what this peace feels like if you need to re-visit it again.

We are not the entities that have found us in this life. We are in control of the soul that we were gifted. At this time we should be at peace and if it’s needed use The Entity Phylum to learn of the tools that you can only learn by reading it. Let it be the tool that shows you that you are mindful that YOU are in control…because you are valuable.

Thank You for taking the time to read this piece there will be more to come in time as we are almost completed with the Re-edit of The Entity Phylum. The first edition can be found or ordered anywhere books can be purchased.

Happy Pandemic.

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