plateeney and agent eph in the entity phylum

What If You Had The Ability To Remember Alot More To The Story…

What If You Had The Ability To Remember Alot More To The Story…

Try to imagine being a scientist in a rather stressed environment with war raging around you daily. The world will never know the stresses of war like the wars of the past. But this in fact is why we are in many of the predicaments we are in today. The worlds disasters lead to turmoil of the mind. You see the body can only handle so many things, and once it handles these things it begins to actually ‘want’ to find new environments to find. Imagine a chef cooking a dish or recipe, then he receives praise for the flavor and the taste. So he continues to find many more recipes to receive the same retribution.

This is only an example because we all have eaten or cooked something. But now imagine this same scenario in the most vile areas of the world where the only praise is of war-like terms. This yes in fact makes the soldier want to be the best war-like aggressor he can be.  This is called training. This is in fact the start of The Entity Phylum to me (in a deeper approach) because after all we all know receiving praise for being a killer just makes y9ou well a better killer.

That is where we will start the story. Agent Eph was trained heavily to be a weapon. Not many people would believe this, but there was a time when scientists collaborated with the best minds on three planets to learn how to make willing participants better ‘soldiers’ but after some time we as scientists realized that the participants willingness only meant their grandparents had signed or enlisted into the military in some way. This is when we learned of the problems with military in general. You see it seems that the children of military parents were being enlisted in programs without their consent or knowledge until they were being regressed at around the ages of 25 -32 years of age.

But how we thought could this be possible. The possibilities are in the hidden regressions in the minds of many of these people. We learned so much through these years. So much that we did not know at times what was real and what was not real. (which is exactly what these powers that be enjoyed)

You see in their minds no one needed to be aware of these occurrences and if anyone remembered then they would be seen as scary to be around. The world is not programmed for ‘different’ you see; so when you start entering the realms and dimensions of ‘the hidden’ like in your brain; you can only expand, but going back to a more relaxed grounded state almost needs to have it’s own levels of training also.

This training we learned we also had ourselves while doing these various studies. So yes we also became a part of the experiment which needed it’s own levels of secrecy and also if it even exists ‘trust’.


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