What Are We Trying To Accomplish?

What Are We Trying To Accomplish?

As we approach the beginning of September 2023 let us just state that the year has been very interesting. The years to come will be just as interesting also. We are living in a sea of interesting these days because we are unaware of many consequences that are taking place at this time.  We are plagued by so much talk of presidential races of the near future but what really should be more interesting is the local Mayor and Sheriff races of so many areas. The uestion is the answer…WHY? The answer is simply put because the outsiders are after your jurisdiction.

Where you reside is the biggest thing that you are unaware of at this time. Where your Sheriff is domiciled also is another huge question to the near future.

We all live and journal a certain aspect of where we are but to state this is where I am from is an entire different world or phrase.

The world we know it is changing and the reasons because of it are simply because control is what people are after energetically and physically.

It is time to suppress the secrets and start to empower the majority. We are here to learn into the future.

The sun is the answer to so many key factors. We are ready to move forward to this platform so it is time now to move forward.

– Plateeney.

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