conspiracy meets todays truth

We Have Been Warned In Plain Sight Since the 70’s But It Is Time To Start Taking Back Our Light.

We Have Been Warned In Plain Sight Since the 70’s But It Is Time To Start Taking Back Our Light

Awareness is growing clearly to understand that things are not what they seem. But clearly we have been seeing it for years and have no idea but all of these things are “in plain sight.” Symbols are everywhere but you have to really understand that when it comes to taking your free-will it takes time and this has been happening since the 70’s. The video below does a great job at showing us all that the same thing goes for our debts. “As long as it is published and no one speaks against it it’s considered OK to do.” People have been trying to tell us and we use laughter as a way to shake it off or consider it a conspiracy.

Conspiracy meets today’s truth in more ways than one and it seems that symbolism for many years is clearly going to be the only way we put the pieces of this puzzle together.

Watch the video below and start to understand that it’s time to wake up and stop allowing our free-will to be slowly taken over.

Our lights inside is what they are after. The Entity Phylum Book Copyright 2017

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