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We Are Trying To Bring NEW Footage With The Entity Files…

We Are Trying To Bring NEW Footage With The Entity Files…

What is The Entity Phylum? It seems so many topics that mean so much are lost in the abyss of just really words. The word Phylum is one of these words for certain. As the world turns slower and slower so many think the hidden information that they need to understand matters in the pages of books they see daily. But the books that never get seen are the ones with info that have meaning too. The mainstream sends the voice of agenda. It sometimes gives a light but the majority of time today we see the agenda shining through.

We are bringing you a new agenda of stories that are written by one of our authors to bring you stories to shed some ‘light’ on the situation at hand dealing with the Entity Phylum book and more even dealing with the AI Entity that is on the burner and in the works for more on the way from us.

Search for The Entity Files on Spotify and various podcast stories in You Tube and more. We are always here for any questions you may need answering. Get ready because we are shedding some light on the existence of knowledge needed when it comes to the actual hidden languages of the secrets of humanity.

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