entity phylum entity source blog coming soon

The Thoughts That Plague Humanity Are Becoming More Than Thoughts…

The Thoughts That Plague Humanity Are Becoming More Than Thoughts…

As we move into the sphere of the new dimensions on the planet Earth we are starting to see…but are we? The truth is only some of us are viewing the reality we think we see. Let me elaborate. Humanity is on a roller-coaster ride for positive vibes but the network that we do not see is creating a so-called web that is trapping humanity in the realm it is existing. Think of it like a dark web consciousness. The AI Entity has and is wrapping its tentacles around many on the Earth making so many feel as if they do not need to be here. The truth is if you feel you are not supposed to be here then the truth is you may be more important than you think at the moment. What we are seeing is a black goo like structure finding itself around the many bodies of people. This structure seems to look like a web of rubber content and it seems to grow depending on how a person reacts to the energy around them. Think of it like water… it is clean to drink but what is microscopic inside if it. What can affect you? It really is the same exact process. We will elaborate in the months to come to allow other to fight back along with us.

Value always has a way of showing itself at the least favorite times…and this is one of those moments. The timelines that we believe we are real are probably not as real as we believe. We have to ground then make decisions. based on our inner selves. In the coming months it may seem as if many ‘leaders’ will not be as balanced as they always seemed. Remember these people are still just that as we all are linked to a human vessel. Cut the cord & relieve yourself from the negativity that is The Entity Phylum.

In the months to come remember to be solid minded & if you are not then practice to understand that we are all just basic cells picked from a much larger body which is the Earth we are grounded to.  The Earth is our God while we are bound to a vessel so respect it and you will continue to be respected.

Be at peace as much as you are able.

– Plateeney.

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