The Obsession Entity

The Obsession Entity in Chapter 5 of The Entity Phylum has alot to say but getting there is not always very easy.

The Obsession Entity in Chapter 5 of The Entity Phylum has alot to say but getting there is not always very easy.

As we continue to work on the new Entity Phylum Book re-edit we come across interesting excerpts that really make you stop and think. This is the entire reason why we started to write the book in the first place. As we slowly move through it’s pages and chapters once again technology continues to allow us to bring you interesting thoughts from these pages which we do hope capture more of an audience to it’s pages.

In Chapter 5 Plateeney and Agent Eph are walking to their next interrogation and it shows us a little more of what the pair deal with on a regular basis. The two are ‘upgraded’ to be able to move in and out of dimensions. What does that mean? It means the ‘Entities’ spoken about in the book cannot be seen with the naked eye or by a regular human living on Earth. When the pair reached a certain amount of years in law enforcement they were brought into a new underground program. This program allowed them to be ‘upgraded’ or at least many of their organs to be able to view the entities currently giving humanity issues. In order to understand why humanity’s darkest issues exist this had to be done in order to see the culprits or traces involved.

So many unexplained phenomena are explained or given a possible understanding in the book The Entity Phylum coming soon. Until the re-edit has a release date enjoy these excepts from The Entity Phylum website and Social Media pages.

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