energy under arrest the entity phylum

The Entity Phylum Re Edit Moves Forward And We Are Thankful To Share More About The Alcohol Entity.

The Entity Phylum Re Edit Moves Forward And We Are Thankful To Share More About The Alcohol Entity

As we work on the re-edit of the Entity Phylum we still go through the process of so many thoughts that make us wonder how and why the process of book writing ever took place? Every proof reading of the seperate entities written about teach us something about the people around us as well as the people inside of the story. In time since the beginning of the first write up we continue to see signs of entities more and more and we wonder if the reality that we truly know could actually be just that “not a reality” at all.. It really is like our lives are a written form of the Akashic records daily that we choose to accept. If we choose to stop writing we eventually stop choosing our dreams and passages for the futures we “want” and it’s like slowly they may start to take us over the same way like a disease. Yes I get it it sounds like a death-full life…but for some who lose their ways it really can be.

As we are just finishing the over seeing of the Alcohol Entity we are reminded of the character video we filmed for the YouTube advertisements coming out shortly after the re-edit book release. The man died two weeks ago and as we know he was perfect for the part of this particular Entity we can’t help but wonder if he will smile on the other side when these advertisements start to hit the internet in the next 6 months. As I read the excerpts in conversation in chapter 2 I can’t help but think just how strong this role is in all of our lives, and how we eventually choose to allow the energies within us to cease to exist.

It makes me think of a car as the human circuit or vessel. Eventually that car or vessel gets used with wear and tear and may need an oil change or flush…a cleansing. The mechanic shop is the Akashic Records that we store the previous knowledge to the vessel. We just never think we can store the future of the car but we can…this is the key…and without keys the car won’t start. It certainly makes me think.

I am thankful to still be able to tell this story.


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