entity phylum soul disconnection

The Entity Phylum is Growing Closer…

Hello all friends in entity land. I say entity land because we clearly are pretty infested these days it seems. There are so many lives touched by manipulation today it seems. There are many who have no idea that these occurrences take place on a regular basis. The many who are in this predicament will certainly want to pick up a copy of “The Entity Phylum.” As we near completion of this much anticipated book…we will be mindful of many things dealing with people on a regular basis. Of all of the amazing research we have done. We want to share this knowledge with each and every one of you. The number one factor we hope you gather is truly the most valuable thing we have is our free will. The will to keep us going is our choice on this planet. Once tainted, we start a journey of learning. This learning is very much like a roller coaster ride the slower, and deeper we tumble down the rabbit hole. But once again that tumble is still up to us. It is our sole choice to go down or up a hole daily. This choice is why we are here. The deeper down the hole we allow ourselves to travel is still up to us. But when we lose vibration in the body, we start to realize that the entire time we thought we were in total control as the vibration slows the entity waits. After waiting for the right time, much like a reptile about to snap a bite of it’s next meal…the entity snaps our soul. Each time we become more and more manipulated; we think we are in control. This is when the patterns start to become an inner issue. This is usually when we start to lose the free will which is a slow process to completely disconnecting the body from the soul.

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