the entity phylum book explanation

The Entity Phylum Book Is Now Available And We Continue To Hear Great Things…

When we started the story “The Entity Phylum” we really didn’t know how we were going to deliver it we only knew we needed to deliver it somehow. In a world that many even question it’s existence and really it’s shape… how do you deliver a message to humanity? What gives you the ability to continue the ability to put out many messages and hidden secrets that no one has a clue about? Why would anyone believe it? The answer is we started writing. We continued to write every day but we had no idea what we were going to learn or what we were to encounter. We had no idea for what we would experience. The first dream state memory that was given was a memory I would never forget. It seemed to last about 14 hours and started off with glimpses about a training program that I had a memory from somehow. I awakened thinking to myself was that real? Very surreal and what the majority call “vivid.” It was at this moment that something special was happening. I didn’t realize it at this time but as I started to jot down a portion of great thoughts into my small blue journal I realized the dream that was so real would and possibly could happen again. This of course you don’t ever realize until yet it happens again. After it’s recurring you know you must start to think about interesting things surrounding the topics. I started to do research on some of the things I was seeing in the dream state. The dream state seemed to me like I was standing inside of another dimension and clearly I knew people would think I was slightly “a bit strange” if I would express such thoughts. It started to seem like the problems with the world were not like they used to be as well. This seemed to match similar patterns I would see after dream states also. The only time I has ever seen anything outside of the normal spectrum of different while relaxing was in meditation but nothing so extremely vivid except one occurrence.

This occurrence was in a float tank session where I was able to lay my body inside of a capsule like device into 800 pounds of epsom salt. The water level was about 12 to 14 inches which means after laying in the water your body becomes extremely buoyant. When you relax there was a blue light and you know the second you turn the switch you will be in complete solitude and darkness. While inside of the tank for probably an hour I remember pushing my body into the water a bit submersing everything except my eyes, nose, and mouth. (You must be careful near the eyes because it’s salt and it will sting the eyes pretty bad if contact is made.)

After the full submersion in the float tank about 3 minutes into the relaxation I started to feel more than relaxed as you can possibly visualize. I drifted somehow into a state of consciousness that was deep inside of myself. Although inside it felt like I was an observer inside of a memory I experienced from the past…or future…I really had no idea I just knew it was vivid. Everything about it was vivid. But somehow I knew I was still awake…I had no idea how. I just knew it was from deep inside who I was so it was worth a look around.

I will include I was not drinking alcohol or I was also not on any mouth taken substances. I was completely sober.

I went somewhere though and it was underwater. It looked like a tropical reef on the walls and there was little to no sea-life around in the water. I know this because as I caught up to my eyes in my body I was able to do an exterior scan of my surroundings. I saw crystal clear blue water. I saw a very large city in front of me with extremely unique conveyors that moved though-out a city that was completely enhanced with extreme technology. Actual I say technology because there truly is no way we could have ever consciously understood such a visual today. But for now technology is the word. The conveyors moved but they were very smooth like they were contained in an anti-gravity field that allowed them to move. The only thing I could even come close to use as an example is the bullet-train recently erected in Japan. The train is controlled by extremely powerful magnets. It also can sustain over 250 miles per hour which shows you extreme power at your finger tips is extremely possible. The conveyors kind of resemble a spider like presence and as they move slowly through the water they seem very similar to the body like an escalator at a department store in movement. You are standing on a hard surface but its not metal. I don’t know what it is but it’s strong enough to stand on and has no movement as it flows through the water. There is one in front as well as others and also behind. As you stand there and slowly move you ar surrounded by a bubble like substance. The bubble like substance allows you to breathe inside and yes it morphs and merges itself as you advance where you are going. (new level) So try to imagine an escalator made of liquefied glass then as you get to the deck you are trying to advance to you see that you need to step forward and then through as you do this you do not get wet or lose any oxygen. To visually “see” this was quite an eye opening experience. I remember looking up and seeing light overhead like the top of the water and what we know as land on the Earth.  Similar to standing on a deck maybe 300 ft underwater and looking up before snorkeling to the top except clearly this was not snorkeling it was a bridge city. And it was what I was able to see as I looked around and realized my surroundings. I saw no one there and also had a presence of my location while I was standing there. From memory and also from being awake I felt the same feeling about my location there. Even today it has never left me. Clearly I was at a bridge city inside the heart of the Bermuda Triangle. I remember standing there smiling no idea what I was smiling about just the fact that I was happy to be there makes me realize that it was positive. Even after a year I wonder if I will ever see it again, or if I will ever be able to remember more.

I will include the thoughts of feeling after awakening from consciousness that day in the float tank. I was still but remember smiling like I did while in the hidden dimension or state. When I opened my eyes they burned from being so close to the epsom salts in the tank. I was able to collect my thoughts while laying in the darkness. And after realizing that our world and our sleep states were clearly not at all what we learned from today’s society I pondered this for a while. One of our purposes in this life is to advance. If we do it without fear we advance faster it just depends on limits we allow for ourselves personally. I remember feeling the feeling that any fear had to leave while in the float tank because if you are afraid you would never be in a float tank in the first place. You are in minimal clothes if any and when the door closes in this particular one once again you are in complete darkness after switching off the light. So if you have a fear you sub-consciously leave it at the door. Which is where I was happy to leave any stragglers (fears) that I had that day. After your time spent in the float tank and after you realize you spent 2 hours in this darkness alone and feel so relaxed you see it’s possible and everyone may not experience what I was able to that day. But you will experience something. And if for any reason it’s similar feel free to contact us at

Thank you so much for your continued support of “The Entity Phylum” and thank you so much for reading this post.

Stay Tuned for more posts soon from Plateeney from “The Entity Phylum.

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