time travel prophecy coming from plateeney

The Entities Can Only Grow If You Allow It.

The Entities Can Only Grow If You Allow It.

In each of us resides a powerful energy to each of us it is truly what allows us to be reading at this time. The life force energy that we all have is unique to us all. We may not all believe the same things but one thing is for certain we are not alive like we think. The free will that is connected to our source of energy is something we will all know in time. When we choose to cease to exist in this dimension. (Whatever we may believe)

The story of “The Entity Phylum” is one I found by complete accident. But one that taught me about who I am. It also taught me who I used to be. It is a story I was thankful to have been given again but not one that I am proud of in many ways. Today I see many things and one is that people are all looking for answers. Some go to the answers taught to them by their elders, and others are searching for any existence of finding themselves necessary.

However for myself I only knew selfishness and obsession in a world that power had no limit. The constant obsession of creating great things for Science and living through Wars that seemed to be unlivable at times made a mind that only had the biggest goals. Some of these goals seemed for many that they were completely unreachable until we would find others with the same vision. Every person we would find made others realize the goals were not impossible the more we pushed the Science. The Science showed us that anything we visualized internally and backed up with the right strong frequency we could do possibly anything. It seemed at some point after we started to see that our technology was far beyond the reaches of the galaxy we exist in we then realized that we were not just on the right track, but we may possibly have received the attention of life force energies that were beyond our understanding in the early 40’s. One thing is for certain we wanted to change the world. We even did that. We even changed humanity…but our outcome will not change until we start to understand what was created against us to lay the foundation of entities created to manipulate humanity from it’s only value. Free Will.

This process interrogation that exists in The Entity Phylum book is one of the deepest and darkest secrets against humanity, but it tells the truth about the beginning of an era that thought they were on the cutting edge of Scientific breakthroughs unheard of. To think about the excitement of pushing the limits in a time when the world thought television was the most amazing device known to man. The truth of the “matter” is that the television was the first device used to allow the entity process to work against the free will that many at the time thought was perfect.

I thank you for reading this information and we will continue to write more of this information on this website and also it will be recorded on the YouTube Channel and we will also have a backup channel through Bitchute.

Your soul should never be sold. – Plateeney.

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