Tore Says Video

The Documentary ‘They’ Don’t Want YOU To See’ But Many Now State Issues With The Actors

The documentary Shadowgate has many interesting things listed in it’s minutes of coverage but many are stating that we should be careful with some or all of it’s contents or at least one or both of it’s characters. No matter what feel free to do YOUR OWN RESEARCH!

A new video has surfaced of a documentary that may shed some light from two whistleblowers who claim to know quite a bit about our last 4 years in media, politics, and Russian Collusion. I am happy to see more documentary films surfaciung but I will also be putting some rebuttals under it for many to do their own research as to what many are now saying is the possibility that Tore in the film may actually be just as bad as many she is stating in the film as well. You Decide.

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