
The Entity Phylum Paperback - Autographed

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About The Book

The Entity Phylum is a look into the interrogation of seven unique entities affecting humanity. This scientific military program started at the end of 1933 and is set in the year 1945. It is a looking glass into the world of top secret law enforcement. The two interrogators "Plateeney" and "Agent Eph" have made the choice to become mentally & physically upgraded as higher ranking military officials. This upgrade gives the pair many abilities. One is to see into the various dimensions on Earth. It also allows them to easily have the ability to interrogate the entities in question. As the pair start their investigation the entities reveal many secrets that humanity does not have an awareness of even still in the present day.

The awareness is that the entities were created by scientists under a secret program while trying to figure out the "creation of the soul" within the life force energies among us currently in humanity. Over some time, it is revealed that these programs came close many times, but cannot capture the true essence of the soul. We learn what is created are these entities.

The entities are currently among us They continue to create problems for the purpose factor of humanity as a whole. "Plateeney and Agent Eph" learn this secret and continue to move forward in their training to various dimensions. The pair are only allowed to move forward bringing their findings only to the military programs that they have been allowed to continue this education.

Plateeney and Agent Eph are the pioneers of the secret programs.

Learn more by reading the pages of The Entity Phylum.

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