the future of humanity

So You Say You Are Interested In The Future? We Will See.

So You Say You Are Interested In The Future? We Will See.

It has been a long time since I have decided to write something openly but I feel it is the time to start… even if it is not the proper time to do so. At this time there are so many people who are subservient to believing humanity will just survive no matter what. After all, why would we not because we are supposed to be the other existence on the planet at this time right? Keep that in mind. While we continue to write more. The future is questionable as we continue to move forward. Somewhere along the year 2015 something changed and our future is ‘supposed’ to be balanced at this time but many realize the balance is not as balanced as it seems. We will ultimately need to understand that every one of us on the planet has a connected power source and through this connection it is ultimately what will bring us the life preserver we are all waiting for. I often wonder why does humanity have no idea they have the power to move mountains through their internal connections but they continue to never connect to these connections?

Do you ever try to connect internally to the source you were created from?

It is a question that some I am certain ask themselves in the first 35 years of life but in fear of being called an outcast words never extract themselves about who we are or what we are. In many ways we are the aliens we are searching so hard for. We just don’t think of ourselves in this way. But remember if aliens were here they would in fact think of us as yes ‘aliens.’ Our perception is weak when it comes to the dimensional side of life, and this is exactly why we continue to see the world we currently have.

Will we escape the changes that we have escaped from the year 2013-2018? Time will tell. But as I write about them in this dimension I can say that we should because I see a future in my mind. Does that mean we are all going to make it? No.

OK now that our brains are in a state of shock and focus here is small glimpse to the future I have seen.

We will eventually change our way of life to be more humble especially after seeing many fall in ways that we do not understand. One memory that seems to glimmer is the environments in which we live in. They are quite amazing but I can’t imagine how we will get there yet looking at our current state and politics. The most profound thing I have visualized is the ability to communicate with the walls of our homes. Imagine waking up in the morning and thinking you want coffee and the coffee machine starts brewing coffee. Imagine walking up to the front door to see who is knocking at the door and actually being allowed to view the person on the other side as a visual reference before allowing that person to enter or not. The walls of your future home have the ability to think and communicate with your DNA. They are aware of their owner and the owners whereabouts in the home at all times, but not for purposes that we are so worried about today…for means of health and safety. They wall will actually have the amazing ability to phone for help depending on the situation it senses for it’s owner the same as a pet does in situations today. It seems like we all may realize that eventually our consciousness is truly who we may be after seeing into the future.

For so many people seem to be fearful of the ‘knowing’ of the future but it seems we may all be searching for fear and that is why we seem to be finding the outcomes of fear before us.

This week try to see the outcome of your own environment filled with the peace you deserve. You deserve it.

Thank you for reading…visit again for more insight from The Entity Phylum.

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