the entity phylum book explanation

So Many Things Are Changing…

So Many Things Are Changing…

When we created The Entity Phylum book I remember a time when things didn’t exactly make alot of sense. Today we see so many thing that point to the words in the book but so many continue to believe life as usual and we believe in time; we will continue to see that the lives we live play such a role in the creation of The Entity Phylum more and more.

What do we mean? Sex as a topic is everywhere and when we state everywhere we mean that the thoughts are everywhere.

Intelligence is every where today also, and when you believe the mindset that you need to believe it too; you basically do so because you do not want to wreck the system taking care of you. (or so you think)

We really need to start understanding the power we have as humanity because being a human means absolutely not a thing at all.

We have the ability to create a mineral out of custom bought lab created jewelry. We would not be doing the sort of thing unless we knew we could easily get the real thing without the problematic situations that arise in the process at times. This is sort of what I mean. Our value as humans is not the outer shell it is the inner shell that we are connected to keeping us alive electronically.

Can we appreciate what it was like to come to an agreement that makes some smart sense.  We need to remember these truths before we get to a point where we are not listening anymore.

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