boxer speaks out about hollywood

Pro Heavyweight Boxer “David Nino Rodriguez” Speaks Out About Hollywood Agenda & More.

Pro Heavyweight Boxer Speaks Out About Hollywood Agenda & More.

As many things surface we will see more & more videos with people from the inside of Hollywood’s inner circles creating many videos. There have been many videos even showing “hidden” rings questioning Cannibalism, Trafficking, & much more from Florida, Portland, Washington, New York, & Hollywood. As we continue down many rabbit holes in the next few months, I remind everyone that many are involved and many are not. But who is an eye witness to these acts? We will see soon enough. Have an open mind for many are just becoming accustomed to these things and it takes 24 hours before the brain can process them. The sexual entity as discussed in the book “The Entity Phylum” has been prevalent in Hollywood since it’s beginning. The phrase “Where there is a need for money” there will be desperation for people to earn that money without a conscience. We are all a product of our environment and these environments have clearly been around as we can see.

The question is why has no one tried to stop them?

It is a great question but when you analyze the data behind the scenes you start to see that “funding” is the best reason behind the reasons. Every one is in each other’s pockets. From politicians to the lowest on the totem pole doing favors…it’s all about “funding.”

Thank You to “all” for speaking up to help many women, children, & more.

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