Our Minds And Feelings Are The Key…

If the last year has taught us anything then it is certain that in Hollywood we are constantly becoming consumed with so many celebrities screaming to the masses that they are not under their own control. Why are they constantly trying to shout this message to the masses? It is because the system that controls them also controls you every time you give your attention to something created by them. It is basically how it works. You show ownership through the mind or a physical obsession…then yes you are then partially controlled the same way. Slowly this system takes over the masses but it really is up to us. We are the ones allowing it every time we can’t get enough of Beyonce dancing, or the new hit song by Katy Perry?

These lyrics are a constant outpouring of the ritualistic ways of Hollywood. It may be a good thing to listen to their interviews more. They explain even themselves that they are not their own. Beyonce says she becomes ‘Sasha Fierce’ and allows her to take her over in dance and music. and Katy Perry will also openly state in interviews she is also not her own also. We will elaborate this as the weeks go by soon. Stay tuned to more from The Entity Phylum!

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