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About The Entity Phylum: Knowledge For Humanity.

The Entity Phylum: Knowledge For Humanity is a journey of the unknown for characters Plateeney & Agent Eph. The duo sign up for an unknown experience to better understand what they will encounter on future missions. The future missions start by interrogating 14 Entities that affect humans while on the planet Earth. They can receive this training after agreeing to no longer be a part of the human population. The characters are allowed to interrogate these unknown Entities mindlessly under the protection of others who have made the same leap as themselves. The knowledge learned as these interrogations occur has yet to be documented on Earth.

This knowledge can make others realize the human process has flaws in its programming, allowing these Entities to feed off their human hosts like parasites.

This knowledge is the proper understanding and experience one should receive before experiencing humanity.

More About The Book:

The Entity Phylum digs deep into the unknown and interrogates seven multi-dimensional entities that are currently affecting humanity in various ways. The story is the start of a training program before reaching the highest clearance a person enters through military installations on the planet Earth. The entities questioned are not able to be seen with the naked eye, so characters Plateeney and Agent Eph through time have been prepared physically for entering these dimensions.

This training program is the preparation to advance Plateeney and Agent Eph mentally and physically. The pair made the choice to move forward in order to begin the penetration of other dimensions. They did not expect to learn that humanity has been manipulated for many years by these entities.

The year is 1944, and they are the first pair that will be able to interrogate these various entities. These interrogations are to be under the full control of extremely high clearances, and against the will of the different entities. Journey with Plateeney and Agent Eph to understand humanities deepest secrets.

Explore a book that explains entity possession in a unique way that touches us all on this planet.

It’s time to experience the truth through the higher fields of research on the planet Earth. ~ The Entity Phylum.

About Characters Plateeney & Agent Eph

Agent Eph was born a human and since birth has been studying interrogation and physics since an early age. Law enforcement was never a possibility until a string of other worldly abductions starting taking place changing her structure and body for over 20 years. After taking the leap to forget humanity she finds it difficult to forget what she left behind. She continues to dig deep in her learning because she knows she is a part of something larger. She was placed into the entity process after showing a tenacious need to learn more about humanity, and the many questions about herself she desperately is trying to find the answers to.

Plateeney is from the year 2035. After seeing what the world is like after the AI Entity, he decided to use future technology to return to a more civilized time on Earth. The result was for change. Plateeney had to retrain himself for his new body issued in the year 1943. He chose this time because it was the start of many things dealing with the understanding of the entity process. This process was never made public to humanity because of it’s significance of not understanding what humanity was up against. The fear of not knowing made humanity even more vulnerable. Plateeney had to stay silent about many things until he was able to receive enough training to be invited into the program. This process took him 16 years to complete. After seeing the steps unknown to humanity he knew he somehow had to figure out a way to get this information to the masses hoping someone would pass the information for others to have this knowledge. Plateeney is highly intuitive and uses telepathy to interrogate others in the book “The Entity Phylum: Knowledge For Humanity.”

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