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  • What inspired you to write “The Entity Phylum.”

A. I was inspired by a series of dreams that felt like memories to me. When I processed the information I was inspired to help other people that may be looking for different perspectives to the issues towards addictions that sometimes just don’t seem right through regular means. Many have studied Entity Possession with little explanation. I feel it answers many questions concerning the manipulations and possible perversions of sex, the obsession of drug use, the constant need for knowing about the future, the craving for alcohol, and more. Reading this book: The Entity Phylum will truly make you extremely mindful of many things you cannot see. You will truly feel like you are able to ask these questions through the questions from the books character interrogators: Plateeney & Agent Eph.

  • Summarize your book in one to three sentences as if you were speaking to someone unfamiliar with the book and it’s topics.

A. It is a creative look into the possibility of the answers that many may be looking for into the many questions behind alcoholism, sexual manipulation, obsessive behaviors, supernatural psychic phenomena, energy vampires, suicidal thoughts, and how they can disconnect you from the soul.

  • What is the overall theme of The Entity Phylum Book.

A. A quest and interrogation of a possible truth in the deceptions & aggresions of humanity.

  • Where does this book take place?

A. The book’s setting is inside the higher stages of clearance inside military sciences and above top secret in the year 1945.

  • Who are the main characters and why are they important to the story?

A. The main characters are a time traveling (*fill in) & intuitive scientist named Plateeney, and a female empathic military strategist named Agent Eph. The pair are destined to travel to higher military clearances. This program is just the start as they realize this procedure is the start of their separation to humanity face to face, but both have a common goal to move forward to intergalactic travel. (Mars)

  • Why do you feel this book will appeal to readers?

A. I believe “The Entity Phylum” will intrigue readers who may be looking for answers or may be looking for a great creative approach to the many questions that plague humanity in the what if’s of life. An overall roller coaster of the possible answers that many may be seeking.

  • How is your book relevant in today’s society?

A. Many question existence today. Many search for answers today too. The Entity Phylum may be able to open the door to dealing with “a new view” of a possible reality of the “why’s” of the lives we live. I think it’s important for people to look within every aspect of themselves and if this book helps someone smile after a rough day then I think it did it’s job.

  • Is there any subject currently trending in the news that relates to you book?

A. Really almost every topic dealing with the problems of life today in general. We all see and hear something new around every corner of social media or the television. We hear more dealing with addictions & various human issues with no possible scenario for answers of solutions into the future. Really everywhere you look you can see an issue if you try even a little to look. 

  • What makes your book different from other books like it?

A. I am unaware of a book that speaks & interrogates actual entities to learn more from them. We are usually running from them. I like the idea of facing the entities as fears directly energy to energy. I truly enjoy the aspect of facing fears head on in this way. Ultimately the outcome is to make humanity stronger by processing the thought.

  • What do you want readers to take away from your writing?

A. I want them to think. Then I want them to read The Entity Phylum again while thinking even deeper. Who knows it may inspire someone to influence another in a positive way.

  • How did you learn about the topic? (i.e. personal experience, education, etc.)

A. The topic found me in my dream state and the memory never left my thoughts for 2 full years. Actually it just grew stronger. Everything else surrounding the topic just happened around the rest of the story.

  • Is there a particular passage from the book you’d like readers to utilize? If so, please provide.

A. I think the alcohol entity is an area many will understand the most because the majority of humanity does enjoy an alcoholic beverage from time to time, but I feel there is something for everyone here. Another area of importance is “The Human Entity” chapter and how it shows through the years of consumption how the deterioration process can take place to the point of complete disconnection. It’s a sub-concious wake up call to me. 


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