Many Take To Streets in Berlin Against Gates, Over 1.4 Million.

*This info was received from actual eyes in the Berlin, Germany area. Many are saying the numbers are smaller than normal. Many protesting against #crimesagainsthumanity It is against the whole plandemic, #virus, the #medicalmisinformation, manipulation of #co-vid deaths, wearing of masks, #the truth about 5G, economic crash & especially against #BillGates and his vaccines and #pedophilia.

Read: The media obviously tried to prevent people going, by saying it would be nazis and extremists going. Then they said it was 12-17,000 that demonstrated against wearing masks & nothing more. The police tried to block roads, they also wouldn’t let officials through with water for the organizers. The police tried to shut it down several times, before finally cutting the power. The parade through the streets happened peacefully, the 1.3 million, gathered peacefully, for the speeches. When the speeches were cut, we all sat in protest, many are still there. Some stayed, others protested outside government buildings, all peaceful, but with much provocation. The footage you might have seen of violence, was an antifa demonstration in a different part of the city. Which is probably what the media will focus on. #Berlin.

We will continue to bring more as we receive it.

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