plateeney and agent eph in the entity phylum

It’s Almost Time To Shine With More Truth…

The Truth Is Almost Certainly Going To Shine Through…

The truth for many is what they see daily after they awaken and immediately have the craving for coffee before even thinking in their beds. This craving is much like the entity process…but I am not shouting from the highest mountain to stop your routines just yet. The truth is you are here to do exactly what you feel and want. The underlying truth is that you will ultimately have an objective at the end of each tunnel to know if you were on the right path or not. The end of the tunnel can be death for many but to those who continue to stay connected they can eventually learn the paths to “staying connected.”

Staying connected to many also has it’s vague meanings as well. So I will explain it as much as I am able to even the hardest skeptic.

The terminology “connected” refers to you and ultimately the source that connects to you to achieve the “life force energy” to receive another day on Earth. The “cleaner” this connection stays the cleaner you stay connected energetically. To many answers to questions such as these are not valid because the brain immediately goes against anything that it has not been taught…especially after many years of personal programming.

The truth is that the more that you start to connect to your source you just become more intuitive to understand the things around you as not being a part of you until you decide to do so. This is where we are failing as humans. What is exterior to ourselves is not a part of us connected to the life force energy within us. Now we are not saying others around us are not connected to the same source but ultimately it’s outside of the vessel that we are inside of which is why this is stated.

The shine through process is one that many will deny only because they are used to the program they exist inside of…but it is ultimately one that will survive when all else fails here. It is just the only one that really makes any sense when all others fail to have the meaning needed to continue forward.

There is only one lesson here…we are here because a higher source allows us to be connected to what we are experiencing. As we control and master the days of what we are experiencing we learn and that is when we start to find ourselves and usually it’s when we learn humbly how to stay connected to the ground under us. This is because they key to ourselves has to be respected on the body that we survive on. Example: The Earth is the body and we are the cell.

For more understanding about these posts feel free to view the pages of The Entity Phylum book with Plateeney & Agent Eph. Two top secret enforcement officials that will ultimately blow the lid on some much needed human information. This story started in the turning of the year 1944-1945 and was introduced in 2018 on paper format. The story originally erupted around 2013 in the form of a multi-dimensional dream state that resurfaced as a memory through the eyes of a previously infamous scientist in today’s world. This story is published today in Fiction but is ultimately up to the perception by the right people after learning of many secrets gathered inside of the book that only those involved would understand today.

There are many things that the right people do not understand and when this happens they will never admit this so the rest will never learn the truth. This is where The Entity Phylum can help with a new understanding to topics such as

  1. Alcoholism
  2. Energy Vampirism
  3. Sexual Addiction
  4. General Obsessions to Cravings & More
  5. Suicidal Tendencies
  6. Personal Problematic Tendencies or The Needing To Know Future Occurrences

Dig into the pages of The Entity Phylum today available in many online and retail locations such as Barnes and Nobles Booksellers, Amazon, & More – Click the website to purchase here.

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