entity phylum entity source blog coming soon

Entity Possession Is Not Only Real But Now It Is Getting A New Uplift…

Entity Possession Is Not Only Real But Now It Is Getting A New Uplift…

It is sad when you see many aspects of change for the worst. Even though I do not always walk around with views for the negative of course. My entire life I have seen so many great things but when it comes to the balanced side of the negative reality I am afraid I am just one of those people who get both sides better than the average.

Did I ever believe this was my gift? No I still do not. But like I say about many things I ‘do’ it sort of just found me much like my regressions with holosync from someone who left it to me from the past. I am appreciative to have the knowledge and respect the responsibility for it also.

I have learned through it all that I cannot change anything. I am only a guide for others to want to learn to make the choice themselves to say no or yes to these entities. For many they really have no idea they have them and that is just not OK as far as I am concerned. We are not supposed to be feeding grounds to these energies while we sit back as a proverbial; car for the entities to ride on. It is hard for me to understand how someone would not want the entire ‘free-will’ they were given by God. This is why I knew the Entity Phylum had to be written. Stay tuned as I continue to start writing about this journey to give you some awesome interest into who, what, why, and when. The truth may scare you or inspire you but one thing is for certain…it will make you aware. – Plateeney.

The above writings are describing information from a Book called The Entity Phylum and we are now working on a re-edit after having to be forced to publish this material a year before it’s release date. We are writing this information to give knowledge from the past to the present to the future before artificial intelligence has the ability to rewrite history. We do appreciate your time here. – EP

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