Continuing The Human Race Is Going To Be One Tricky Thing If The Future…

Continuing The Human Race Is Going To Be One Tricky Thing If The Future…

continues to ignore the facts that are in the forefront. We are surrounded by so many things we can’t see. We are surrounded by so many things we are entertained by. So why exactly do you not seem to believe in forces that your eyes cannot see but you can seem to sense?

I have to tackle this question at times and I believe it is just to decide by others if the conversation should be recognized; or not, as crazy or factual as an avid experience driven person. Actual proof or something physical is what people want today. They wanted it in the past also. Proof makes them force the conversation into the brain. The truth is that the proof of physicality exists within trauma. Yes it is that simple. Traumas and internal stress are your proof. Every answer to every question you have personally asked yourself of why is the answer to needing proof. The answer why is simple the person who was ‘originally driving the car or vessel’ checked out and allowed something else to drive for a short time or at times longer. This is your answer. The Entity Phylum is the answer to the situations though so as you take the time to think about this. Remember please. If you are born with a soul inside of a ‘body’ then you die and the only thing that leaves is the soul connected to life force energy. This is always a great way of viewing the situation because you are also a form of entity as well.

The difference is that you can view yourself as the first entity in the vessel. The others after you are programmed to do one thing manipulate your free-will to control the vessel or in other words the souls energy.

It is simple common sense. The only thing is that other people do not think life could be so simple on these terms. But the answers are very simple in fact. The answers are also extremely simple when your able to see that we are valuable because we have the first occurrence state of the soul. What we decide or ‘choose’ to do after we ‘grow’ is up to us.

You are not what you see in the mirror you are so much more and the things you don;t believe in also know this so it may be a great idea to keep your soul in tactful positive energy and ‘positive’ light.

Thank You for visiting The Entity Phylum.

  • Plateeney.


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