The Entity Phylum Book Softcover

After Some Years The Entity Phylum Has Been Re-Edited For Publication…

After Some Years The Entity Phylum Has Been Re-Edited For Publication…

Behind the scenes of writing a book like The Entity Phylum is not easy, especially when many think the topic is not an ‘up for discussion’ situation. But as the years pass by it seems that many are becoming more open to understand that ‘something’ is out there and also that there may just be an unknown force creating havoc in many lives, cities, continents, and dimensions.

When the book was processed the first time we were very naive to just how far these creative forces could be and we were put in front of them in 4 different ‘life lessons’ in my opinion to prove the worthiness of publication.

One of these situations we discuss briefly.

While working on the first edited product of The Entity Phylum we were called by a friend because of an electrical issue at their home. It was 11pm yes a bit late but it really was not a time issue there was a problem that needed to be solved and we were able to help.

So we stopped writing and made our way to the address. Once there we started to look at the issue which seemed to be very odd but also simple. It was an issue with their television on reset mode and they had no idea how to unlock the programming. We started to work on the television and someone walked through the door. This unknown person started to have words with our friend and in the heat of the argument proceeded to state that they had an issue with my presence. I didn’t think much of it until I glanced that way and as I did the person raised their shirt as if to show my friend that they had a gun. This seemed strange to me so I asked is everything OK?

When I stated this they both dispersed and I was asked to leave by the stranger. Now normally I wouldn’t have thought this was a strange occurrence but this was not exactly a place easy to get into I thought. The doors had security codes and had to be entered to enter. This made me move slower as I started to realize this person had access to 2 doors before walking through the door.

It occurred to me that the person standing in front of me who just walked to the end of the residence and sat on a couch looking up in anger at me was supposed to be there. As I was whispered by my friend to just go I made my way to the door backwards watching this person on the other side of the room.

As I placed my hand on the door to leave the stranger told me not to return there shaking in a cowardly fashion and I told the person to have a great afternoon and walked out the door. As I walked down the hall I made my way to my car realizing that this situation was a strange one that should have never happened. I then saw a White Mercedes backed into some bushes which indicated to me the person didn’t want their vehicle identification to be seen.

I started to drive back to my office thinking if something would have happened to me the book would have never been submitted for publication. This really made me think hard about what had happened just moments before.

So I made my way back to my writings with more of a mission. This goal I now set was one that I knew I had to send out before a similar occurrence was to take place again. I worked for 6 hours until I was not able to stay awake and took the manuscript and submitted it as it was at the moment. I knew it was not ready but I realized I worked very hard on the research and even more on the information. It was time to set it free basically. When I saw many errors in the original published work I didn’t regret the submission only the errors was all.

I realize entities are everywhere not just when we are in a bad situation. Should they be allowed to have control over us? NO they also do not deserve our fear either because that is exactly what they are seeking. After all they find people who are loved to hurt more around them. This is their biggest secret. It seems though secrets are valuable but I am the least of their worries today. As so many people continue to wake up around the world. I am happy to state it was and still is a thorn in the side of these secrets. But please always remember the truth sets us all free. The proof is the way we feel.

Since this time many occurrences have presented themselves to show me that the actions I put forth were the right path to take.

To all who have found The Entity Phylum before this time I say Thank You for trying to understand it’s contents.

We will be alot more active after the near submission of the re-edit we will also be adding the authors real names to the publication.

Once again Thank You all for finding us and we do hope any pages of it’s contents do bring ‘positive’ light to someone.


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