We Are Considering Writing Some New…
content for the new Amazon Kindle Vella stories and keeping it going so many can follow our thoughts about The Entity Phylum book and possible examples of ways you may be able to see the book through the Authors perspective. We see situations all the time in life that could be brought on in real life for others to grow from. We are not trying to make others fearful to grow in fact we encourage others to spring forward in every way due to their own circumstances with life and what it may have dealt you. The message is simple don;t give up and also do not give up on your self internally. We see this happening all around us and we hope that in a world where many are not reading they find their audience.
We see Hollywood screaming we made a mistake with fame on a daily basis and what is strange is that celebrity-ism seems to be on the hot button in every way but selling your soul seems to be the price given until they see money and fame are actually not the answer. The soul was the only thing of value and when you are not the controller of it then you have to ask yourself the magic question…who is in control?
More to come soon and feel free to follow The Entity Phylum: Knowledge For Humanity on Amazon Kindle to possibly share the book for others and let many be aware of the new writings coming soon to Vella.
Thank You for reading